Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

My Best Friend

A story of lovely lady with her innocent cat with unconditional love. Her first love cat came on her life with joy, name Sushi. She named her cat Sushi because she has a black mark on her head thinking it is like a seaweeds. She is a pure white cat and only one black mark on her head. With half Siamese and Philippine cat that we called ” Puspin “. Time passed by the love for her cat getting stronger and she believe that she needs a playmate. Then rehoming two cats until they become 7 cats in total (together with Sushi’s two babies). The owner’s name is Mae. Whenever she feels sick or before she gets sick. Sushi will come over and stay beside her until she feels better.

The funny thing is after Mae gets better, Sushi will just ignore her again and do the normal things that Sushi do on the daily routine. Among all the 7 cats. Only Sushi understands Mae’s feeling. Sushi is always watching Mae working. Purring every time Mae touches Sushi. The love and affection are getting stronger.

Until one day, there is a tragic happen. Sushi died at 4 years old (owner is not ready to reveal the cause of death). Her first cat and best friend laying on the ground without a sign of life. Mae’s heart broke apart and her whole world stop. Mae cannot believe this is happened in the real world, and she want to believe this is only a dream.

Sushi buried on the backyard and put some gravestone. For Mae, Sushi became a symbol of Freesia flower meaning friendship, trust and innocent. Mae planted freesia plants on Sushi graveyard. Mae decided to get a tattoo for Sushi. A face of Sushi with Freesia flower on the Sushi left ear. A paw mark on her chest that Sushi normally massage.

Mae still missing Sushi and every morning she’s having a coffee she spokes to Sushi about their happy moments and how much she misses her.

Hoping that Mae will recover in time.

Our pets are not only a pet for us. They are our happiness, best friends and medicine on so many ways. Sometimes, they will leave us to realize something in a good way. Until we realize their true meaning after they leave.

Thank you for reading Mae and Sushi story.

By ketamismu013

Sharing the joys of pet parenthood one paw print at a time! Come join me on this wild and waggin' adventure.

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